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Our spiritual purification soap is made from goat's milk and glicerine but also from Haitian plants with magical and medicinal properties such as trumpet leaves, asossi, kabrit wood, kk wood and others.

In our Haitian spirituality, the essence of our practice is found in our ritual tools but also those of everyday life.

These are born in the hands of craftsmen who continue the ancestral traditions of manufacture, adding to them this strength and this link with the lwa.

Like all manufacturing processes, in any field, it evolves over time but its essence and certain techniques remain the same. With Onameji soaps, you will find this traditional Haitian essence through its creation based on traditional sacred plants, reinforcing its effectiveness. Craftsmanship remains important in our spirituality. It allows us to continue to keep this strength in our tools but also this mutual aid towards small local creators who, even today, manufacture their products with passion.

Soaps are sacred during a ritual to mom MÈZILINE (Awo ManZou).

Savon PETRO purification

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